Sleep apnea in Park Cities is a common problem for adults and even some children. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs alongside loud, chronic snoring — but not all snorers are dealing with sleep apnea! Keep reading to learn the difference between the two, and how you can find relief for both. Because everyone deserves a good night’s sleep, every single night.
Are You Suffering From Sleep Apnea in Park Cities?
August 30, 2017
Cosmetic Dentist in Preston Hollow: Tips to Maintain White Teeth
July 30, 2017
If you’ve just undergone a professional teeth whitening treatment at Dallas Esthetics, one thing is for sure: you will want to enjoy your bright results for as long as possible. We’ll usually provide you with a personalized touch-up kit after whitening, but taking a few extra steps can help you reduce stains so that you won’t have to think about even touching up for a long time to come. So don’t go anywhere — your cosmetic dentist in Preston Hollow has three tips for maintaining your white smile in this week’s blog post!
Prosthodontist in Dallas on Maintaining Your Restoration
June 30, 2017
After you’ve had a tooth restored or replaced with a dental crown, bridge, dental implant, or veneer, the last thing you want to do is end up back at the dentist’s to repair it. Your prosthodontist in Dallas, Dr. Frank Higginbottom and his team, want to remind you of the steps you can take to keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime!
Dallas Prosthodontist Has 6 Tips on Caring for Restored Teeth
May 31, 2017
Most adults have at least one dental restoration in their mouths. Whether you have veneers, a crown, dental implants, or inlays/onlays, staying on top of your oral hygiene habits will help you keep your dental work intact to avoid do-over dentistry. Your Dallas prosthodontist has six pearls of wisdom for keeping those pearly whites healthy for years to come!
Dental Implants in Preston Hollow Can Save Your Smile
April 22, 2017
Tooth loss is a serious problem that causes you to quickly lose confidence. However, the appearance of your smile is not the only area to be impacted. Untreated tooth loss can lead to oral health complications as your remaining natural teeth lose support. In addition, you overall health can suffer consequences as dietary restrictions develop from poor oral functions. Now, you have many options to treat tooth loss; however, only one will improve your oral and overall health. At Dallas Esthetics, we provide dental implants in Preston Hollow to permanently improve the health and appearance of your smile.
A Prosthodontist in Dallas is Your Smile Specialist
February 19, 2017
The football game is tense and your team is down. The grass has been churned into a fine pulp under the cleats of the offensive and defensive linemen, and it has all come down to one play. Your team seems to be in dire straits, but one last effort could help turn everything around. The center snaps the ball and it flies into the quarterback’s hands, who almost instantly reads the field and makes the pass that completely turns the tide of the game. A prosthodontist is often considered a quarterback among dentists, in that they help coordinate their teams and know everything about their patient’s situation. If you are dealing with missing or severely decayed teeth, visiting a prosthodontist in Dallas is your best possible solution. Today, the team at Dallas Esthetics is going to discuss what makes a prosthodontist different than a general dentist.
3 Easy Dental Resolutions From Your Dentist in University Park
January 11, 2017
With the arrival of 2017, many people think about their resolutions and goals for the year. Health is often a focus of New Year’s resolutions, and your team at Dallas Esthetics wants to remind you to include your oral health in your 2017 health goals. Your dentist in University Park has compiled 3 easy resolutions to keep your teeth healthy. Happy New Year!
Do I Need a Second Opinion from a Cosmetic Dentist?
December 25, 2016
When To Seek A Second Opinion For Dental Work
Have you ever felt the need to question your dentist on a recommended treatment plan, but not sure if you should? Depending on the severity of your dental needs, you might be quite surprised at the suggested procedures and overall cost. To ensure you are receiving an appropriate treatment and one that will meet your financial needs, consider seeking a second opinion prior to undergoing any dental procedure. If you live in the Dallas area, the doctors at Dallas Esthetics in Preston Center welcome new patients looking for a professional to review their case.
Stress-Free Visits with Your Dentist in Preston Hollow
October 31, 2016
The day you have always dreaded has come. While you were eating your lunch, you bit into a seed in your apple and one of your teeth cracked. As you sit there looking at it in your hand, dumbfounded, you begin to get anxious. You’ve always been nervous about going to the dentist, which is why you usually take such good care of your teeth. You can’t fix this on your own, however, and your palms start to sweat…
Your dentist in Preston Hollow at Dallas Esthetics feels for you. They never want you to come into the office ready to endure pain. Sedation dentistry has been used for years to help particularly worrisome patients like yourself. (more…)
Makeover your smile with Porcelain Veneers in Park Cities
September 3, 2016
You’re the type of person who knows the importance of projecting a positive image. The lawn in front of your house is pristine and green, and the cars parked in the front are glistening and clean. You make sure your clothes match in the morning. You know simple touches like this can help you win hearts and minds, whether it’s in a social or professional context. The only thing that looks out of place are your teeth. They are discolored, or there are obvious gaps. You take care of your teeth, but it does little to address these problems. That’s where porcelain veneers in Park Cities from Dallas Esthetics may be able to help. (more…)