The last time you got a crown from your dentist, you may remember that they needed to make a mold of your tooth by having you bite down on some putty. You might also recall that the putty was quite messy and uncomfortable to hold in your mouth. As such, you’ll be happy to know that the next time you need a restoration made, there likely won’t be a need for such materials. Instead, your dentist can take a digital impression of your teeth; not only is this easier and more comfortable for you, but it also helps ensure that you get the best restoration possible.
(more…)How Digital Impressions Help Create Better Restorations
July 25, 2021
Why Sleeping Pills Could Do More Harm Than Good for Sleep Apnea
June 12, 2021
If you have sleep apnea, you’ve probably wondered if sleeping pills would help. With sleep apnea affecting tens of millions of Americans every day, it’s not unreasonable to assume that sedatives like these could help you stay asleep throughout the night and feel rested the next morning. Unfortunately, experts on sleep apnea note that these sedatives could actually be doing more harm than good. Learn why from a sleep professional and what they recommend to manage sleep apnea symptoms instead.
(more…)4 Reasons Cosmetic Dentistry is Popular
May 20, 2021
Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by beautiful, confident smiles. If it seems like perfect teeth are becoming more frequent, you’re not imagining things. Cosmetic dentistry in Dallas is a growing trend, and for good reasons. Previously, elective dental services were only for the elite, but advancements in dentistry have made it accessible to people from all walks of life. Here are 4 reasons why cosmetic dentistry is all the rage.
5 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist
December 3, 2020
Usually when you go to the dentist, you end up answering questions from your dentist about your habits and oral health. However, many people don’t realize that your regular checkup is a great time to ask questions to your dentist in Preston Hollow so you can become more knowledgeable on your dental health. Instead of skipping out on this educational opportunity, try asking your dentist some of the following questions.
(more…)Don’t Let These 4 Popular Holiday Foods Hurt Your Teeth
November 9, 2020
As the end of the year approaches, many of us are looking forward to seasonal traditions, like catching up with family, exchanging presents, and of course, enjoying delicious holiday foods! Even as you’re taking part in all of the festivities, keep in mind that indulging in too many sweet treats can leave you with cavities, or, even worse, a dental emergency! Being aware of what you’re filling your plate with can keep your smile healthy throughout the holiday season and into the new year. Here are four popular holiday foods that you should avoid in order to protect your smile.
(more…)How You Can Overcome Dental Anxiety
September 7, 2020
Did you know that according to the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, as many as 40 million Americans avoid the dentist due to fear or anxiety? There are many reasons that people feel this way including negative past experiences, fear of pain, loss of control, and even feeling embarrassed. Fortunately, there are different ways that anxious patients are able to overcome their worries. Continue reading to learn some tips for patients who have a fear of the dentist in Park Cities.
(more…)How to Make Your Porcelain Veneers Last
August 6, 2020
One common way that people fix imperfections in their smile is through porcelain veneers. They can treat misalignment, gaps, crowding, chips, and discoloration in just a couple visits to the dental office. However, you need to take care of your newly transformed smile if you want it to last as long as possible. With proper maintenance, your veneers can last over a decade before you need to have them replaced. Continue reading to learn about the steps that you should be taking in order to expand the lifespan of veneers in Highland Park.
(more…)4 Ways Visiting a Prosthodontist Can Benefit Your Smile
July 13, 2020
Are you ready for some shocking statistics? 81% of people believe their teeth look unattractive in photos, 33% of Americans are unhappy with their smile, and 22% of U.S. adults think improving their smile would lead to a better love life! While these findings may initially seem shocking, it isn’t too surprising since most people say the first thing they notice about someone is their smile. So, what does yours say about you? If you are looking to upgrade your smile, then here are three ways a prosthodontist in Highland Park can help!
4 Ways Your Dentist Is Protecting Patients and Themselves from COVID-19
May 17, 2020
As your dentist in Park Cities begins to reopen for non-emergency patients, they’re more than happy to see their patients’ smiling faces once again. Dentists have always taken their patients’ health and safety incredibly seriously, but due to COVID-19, they have recently gone above and beyond by implementing several additional precautionary measures. To learn about four of these dental safety protocols, simply keep reading below.
How Can You Preserve Your Smile While Undergoing Chemotherapy?
April 21, 2020
Going through chemotherapy is emotionally and physically exhausting enough as it is, nevermind the lingering additional symptoms that you’re likely to experience due to the treatment. Many patients aren’t aware that when they undergo chemo, the health of their teeth and gums can be at risk due to side-effects caused by mucositis. Read on to learn more about how you can protect your mouth and preserve your smile while fighting cancer. (more…)